I couldn't sleep tonight so I went through my gallery to recap what has been one of my best years yet. I'm so grateful, especially after an awful 2019!

2020's been tough for many, and I think it'd be nice to spread some good news to encourage someone to hope.

Here goes;
January 2020;
Started what became my 2020 thing for friends; making them Chapatis.

Started spending more time with family, where I've found such support and love.
February 2020;
Wrapped up my last project at work, and spent more time at a friend's pig farm to learn.
March 2020;
Left work, got paid full dues, went on a mini vacation, had fun with friends, and moved back home to scale up the family farm.
Also March; Rona hit, got a New York conference cancelled, tried out some mixology and played a lot of video games while isolating before I moved back to the farm.
The lockdown meant I couldn't leave the farm after I went down so I was undistracted!
April 2020;
Tried out a lot of things on the farm, started some new projects, explored the area by hiking a lot, and got a puppy.
May 2020;
Worked a lot, swam a lot, harvested a lot, scaled up a bit.
Got piglets and a kitten.
Got used to life on the farm.
June 2020;
More land on irrigation (self installed), more pigs (self design and contract on the housing), more sales on local market days (yes, I became a baba mboga!) and farm gate.#
Also June 2020;
Swam some more, hiked some more, did a household solar installation and consulted on a solar water pumping project.j
July 2020;
More fruits, more sales (sold out at farm gate), got a lot of new kids (Klepto were right about mambuzi habits) and started exploring a dam liner idea with my dad after visiting his friend's farm.A
August 2020;
Got more chicks, planted more trees (avocado), stocked more piglets and started growing red and yellow pepper for the first time after a conversation with one of my farm gate buyers.@
Also August 2020;
Hiked some more, took a much needed break from the farm, saw a few friends in the city, and got new Xbox games and finished them!
Started school too!S
September 2020;
Switched from Kienyeji eggs to meat, started harvesting capsicum and onions for the first time ever, sold my first batch of pork.

Started trialling weekend deliveries to Nairobi households.O
October 2020;
More capsicum, more kids, more chicken (sold out 🧐), more muscle and well, deferred school.
November 2020;
Turned a year older and had the best birthday week yet, harvested and sold out peppers, started work on a new irrigation project I had been planning for months and planted a lot of beans!D
December 2020;
Got new pups, trialled a self mix for pig feeds, sold out goats for the holidays, planted more peppers and well, mangoes!
Also December 2020;
Got this zebra jersey and ready to wear it forever! #ggmu
Besides all these mostly farm things, I solidified old friendships, got new friends, spent the most time ever with family as an adult, failed and used the experience to learn, got clarity on a lot, danced, listened to a lot of music and laughed a lot.
I started therapy, running, and a farm ( @kithekanifarms)
I left the city, employment, and church.
I (re)discovered hope, dreams and writing.
I got mental clarity, funding, and a scholarship.
I made room for fun, and healed from a lot of traumatic experiences.
Lastly, I laughed, danced and ate a lot!
I hope and pray for a way better 2021. For me and for all of us.
All photos except the first 8 are #shotononeplus
You can follow @kavitandolo.
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