Asim Ali wants instant revolution & is disappointed in not getting it. Had Congress, or any other party, tried to insert itself in the farmers’ current dharna, it would have denounced as opportunism. So here you bash the Congress for sagacity. Nice.

Politics has a huge latency problem not unlike that you see when boiling water.

For most of the time before water boils nothing happens. Then some tiny bubbles form, and soon these streams are joined by others, and start coalescing into a boiling expulsion of steam.
We are in the latent phase of political protest with tiny interest groups voicing their protests with whatever comes to hand. These will coalesce in time to form broader movements. There is a process to it.

Meanwhile we can bash the opposition or the ruling party.
If Asim Ali thinks bashing the opposition is the best way to get the political movement against gathering clouds of fascism going, who can quarrel with him?

Of course you can hide behind academic intellection & merely point out the obvious. For that, thank you so much.
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