The Honorable @POTUS @realDonaldTrump
I have some absolutely Stunning News to report regarding PA. I examined just over 9,008,753 records and have identified 521,879 unique Last Names. 245,033 or just under 47% of the total Last Names in PA only belong to 1 and only 1 person!
Once again, no brothers, sisters, aunts, cousins, parents that share this particular last name out of 9 Million records. Upon looking at the TOP 1000 Last Names in PA, I have discovered that PA has 695,430 Fewer People in the top 1000 Last Names. Literally, there are 14,776
fewer Smiths, than should be there. 19,591 Williams have gone missing, 30,830 Johnson's are no where to be found. 11,656 Jackson went MIA. What in the world is going on in PA. Exactly 500 of the top 1000 names in PA have a deficit in the number of people that should be there.
The Tally for these 500 Negative Names (below Nationwide Estimate) is 958,044. This is astounding 695,000 to 958,000 just got up and vanished out of PA. President Trump, I have a breakdown by Last Name of all of the people that have been gone missing.
I am a loss for words that I am looking at such INSANE Outright Fraud. That almost 1 million Americans had their Vote STOLEN from them! Arrests need to be made for this crime against the Great State of Pennsylvania.
You can follow @BobbyPiton3.
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