The machines are the heroes of The Matrix.
The villains are these flesh and blood terrorists trying to wake people up and bring them into their awful sad existence.
The machines have a plan that provides for all! They put the humans in the Matrix where the humans are happy, and in exchange they get the human bodies to generate energy for their world. Everyone wins!
My recommendation to the humans outside the Matrix is to surrender and ask for mercy. The machines are not monsters. They will show mercy to most and insert them back into the Matrix. The leaders, yes, will have to die, but they deserve it.
After starting this thread I then decided to go back and watch the first two Matrix films and 1) the second one sucks, 2) it is virtually impossible to side with the resistance humans
This was BEFORE I went and read the wikipedia of the canonical prequel cartoon.
The prequel cartoon makes it very clear that the humans are the villains and the robots went above and beyond trying to find solutions that would accommodate everyone.
The humans shouldn’t have murdered their slave robots, the humans shouldn’t have embargoed and then nuked the robot country, the humans shouldn’t have DARKENED THE SKY to kill the robots...
It would be so funny if the Matrix 4 was from the POV of the robots. That would be a feel good movie I could get behind.
I honestly would love to read the contrarian case for even supporting the humans at all. Because I can’t think of any good reasons to support them.
I apologize to the robots for being a teen when I saw these films originally and letting my pro-human bias color my sympathies. It was a mistake and I regret it.
Here is a genuine question about the Matrix: When they first started it and put all the humans in the pods, were all the humans babies? Like do all the memories the adult Matrix humans have of their parents or grandparents, are those programs?
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