With the Nashville incident shaping up to be a weird-ass event, would you like a trip down memory lane of other weird-ass violent events that you probably forgot about?
First up, the pizza delivery necklace bomb.

A crew coerced Brian Wells into wearing a real bomb in a locking collar around his neck and to walk into a PNC bank to rob it.

The failed attempt to disarm the bomb was broadcast on live TV.

In 2002, a string of pipe bombs were found in mailboxes around the US. The bombs were all similar in design, but the locations were at first random.

The perpetrator was actually trying to draw a smiley face on a map of the US, but failed before he could.

People were on edge in 2001-2002, in no small part due to September 11, a date which no one can forget. But it might be easy to forget that a week after the attacks, Anthrax letters were mailed all over the country.

Also shortly after 9/11, a high school student got inspired (??) by the attacks and stole a Cessna which he flew into a Tampa high rise, killing himself.

A similar attack happened in Austin in 2010, where a man who was under IRS audit decided to fly an airplane into the IRS building there.

Also in Austin, this one more recently, there was a string of serial bombings you may remember, even though it happened seven thousand years ago in 2018.

Going back to the early 2000s again, we have the DC sniper, who put the region in a state of terror in an elaborate plan to kill his ex without it being traced back to him.

Killdozer has become popular again online, but maybe you forgot that in 2004, a man sealed himself into the world's most armored vehicle and went on a rampage over some municpal disputes.

The Killdozer rampage bears some resemblance to the time that a Vet decided to steal a tank and go on a rampage through San Diego.

Of course, another recent stolen vehicle moment is the dude who barrel rolled a Dash 8. I'm pretty sure no one ever thought that possible.


These are just the ones off the top of my head.

There's a lot of weird shit happens in America.
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