Just spoke to Constable Burke of Wyong @nswpolice about our friend who has an AVO against her former partner. This bloke was released from gaol 3 weeks ago after serving 4 months for his FOURTH breach of the Domestic Violence Order.
In that time he has shown up uninvited to
the child's swimming lesson. Tagged her multiple times in FB posts that he loves her, and they are in a relationship...AND contacted her directly via her phone on at least 3 occassions.

As I explained politely to the disinterested Constable Burke, our friend will NOT report
these breaches as she is terrified by threats from this blokes mother they will "get a lawyer and take custody of the child." They have money...she does not. She is an excellent mother and there is no way she will lose custody...BUT she is utterly mindfucked from the
CONSTANT harrassment from this bloke and his mother. As a result, and as I told Constable Burke THREE TIMES, she will NOT ring the police to report his breaches. And as Constable Burke flippantly and dismissively told me, the Police won't do anything unless she reports him....
THIS @nswpolice is why women get killed by their partners. You are not proactive in policing AVO's and you disregard the fears that stop women from reporting breaches

If harm comes to our friend it is on record I reported the blokes escalating harrassment and nothing was done
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