Something I've noticed is that alot of people in the mcyttwt "fandom" or whatever you call it, seem to do a lot of controlling of other people, especially people that make any form of joke, specifically nsfw jokes.
I've seen alot of points made such as "well you cant make nsfw jokes without tagging it" okay understandable, but your favourite ccs have never tagged and nsfw joke before and no one ever says anything to them, and you can nicely tell someone for next time so they can learn.
another point "minors shouldnt be making nsfw jokes" well let me tell you that teenagers, surprise surprise, are allowed to think/say/and do nsfw things. you dont get to police that. if the idea of a minor making an nsfw joke upsets you then simply unfollow/mute/block.
It's strange to see a fandom so intolerant of nsfw things of any kind ESPECIALLY when the ccs (dteam specifically) have said it DOES NOT bother them. Their only wish is that you don't speak for them, so if it got too much I assure you they'd step in and say something.
But they haven't told anyone the jokes have gone "too far" or anything like that. If you don't like something someone says then block and move on. You do not get to say what's "too far" and what isn't because everyones idea of "too far" is going to be different.
Let people have their fun, make their jokes, write their stories, and draw their art. There's nothing wrong with it. Thank you, and goodnight.
To add real quick, ive had someone say that some jokes people make antis will take out of context and use to make us look bad or generalize us and yes while that sucks antis are going to do that no matter what it is that any of us say so its a bit inescapable.
With that you kind of just have to understand that people who hate on dream or on this community are going to find a way to keep hating and making us look bad no matter what.
one last thing to add bc i keep saying it in replies....enforcing this idea that teenagers being sexual in any way is "wrong" or "taboo" does so much more harm than it ever has good. again, if you dont like it then theres a reason unfollow/block/mute buttons exist.
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