This is probably my most lukewarm take but I've noticed a dynamic on twitter lately that's getting under my skin. The general form is: 1. teens take social justice framework/vocabulary somewhere seemingly ridiculous, 2. jaded "leftists" post snark about needing to act "normal"
Maybe a cropped screenshot with "talk to literally anybody not online and see how this sounds" or "try telling your parents this at dinner", or some other remark indicating that the idea doesn't pass the smell test and thus is just obviously dumb
You see it a lot with "sex positivity" gone too far, or with extremely fine-grained identity distinctions. Often the target of ridicule is in fact probably a silly idea, but the effect of this kind of haughty "don't you idiots see how dumb you sound?" move is DEEPLY conservative
Common sense and social convention have never been a reliable guide to just, egalitarian, or emancipatory forms of social life. That should be common ground for anyone to the left of Mayor Pete!
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