Euro-Africans (The mix-race children of European men and West African women.) were able to criss-cross the Atlantic. Some were very wealthy because of their background. Like Anne Rossignol. Anne was a Signare and she was the daughter of a French man named---
Claude Rossignol and his Signare wife named Madeleine Francois. Anne Rossignol was born on the island of Goree in Senegal. Anne was able to travel to France with her father when she was younger. I couldn't find out when she return from France to Goree. But, I do know----
That she emigrated to Saint-Domingue (Now known today as Haiti.) around 1775, a year before the U.S. gained it's independence. She lived a life of luxury on Saint-Domingue and she was involved in the slave trade as a slave trader and she invested in real-estate as well.
During the revolution in Saint-Domingue (The Haitian Revolution.) Anne and her daughter Marie Adelaide Rossignol-Dumont fleed and moved to South Carolina. Her Armand went back to Goree. Anne moved to Charleston, were she established herself as a slave owner. She died very rich.
Anne Rossignol was not the only Euro-African that I found living in South Carolina. For example, Elizabeth Cleveland Hardcastle was a Euro-African born on Banana Island in Sierra Leone. She moved to South Carolina in 1741. Another Euro-African family I found was the Holmans.
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