I have an almost endless collection of gifs that I made for various projects and that never saw the light of day - some that are just weird, some totally didn't work, so I'm going to dump a few here, starting with lines_to_google.gif (commutes to Google HQ census tract)
this file is named filtering_out_the_junk.gif and shows what happens when you take commute date for England and Wales and then filter and style it so it makes some sense
and this is an ancient one I did for TFGM, showing where all the commuters go in Greater Manchester, and all the different directions they go in
I filed this in the 'didn't really work/what on earth is this?' folder, but it was an interesting experiment looking at the rise of mobile ticketing on the rail network
I also did a 'where do the Greater Manchester out-commuters all go' gif for the TFGM thing, possibly about 5 years ago, so adding this to the mix as well
pretty sure I was trying to hypnotise myself with this one, not sure what on earth I was thinking
may have posted this one before at some point - not sure - but it shows you what came before the famous Park Hill estate in Sheffield (old street pattern first, then fades to current satellite view)
I did at one point look at election search data with Google Trends (actually have done a few of these) but this one was for Canada 2019 election, relating to most-searched issues, each frame on for 2 seconds in this example
this was definitely filed under 'too weird' but it is in fact city commuting footprints looking a bit like spiders, start includes low numbers of commuters then filter them out so spiders get smaller
I didn't make this one, but it's saved on my hard drive so I'm posting it as well (file name dogfoundit.gif for some reason)
this definitely hasn't been aired before, also from a few years ago: the most-searched-for Premier League team in each area (think it might be local authority level, I definitely used Google search data though) - best watched a few times to see patterns, or tap to pause on mobile
also on the topic of search, this was the million or so polygons of user-generated search data I had from looking into the shapes people draw when searching for a house online - with overlay heatmap at the end
I think this was about looking at the economic pull of different cities in the north of England, but not entirely sure and I never ended up using it in the end
and last of all there was this gif of shipping off the south east of England, each frame lasting 3.5 seconds so you can see the patterns for each type (look out for the high-speed craft jellyfish shapes)
morals of the story?

- never delete anything
- lots of things shouldn't be gifs
- some things should be gifs
- gif addiction is a real condition
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