I just watched The Greatest Showman for the first time.
Why hadn't I watched it before?
Because there is a household ban on me heckling historical accuracy.
I made it through with only one outburst of, "Who the fuck cast Queen Vic!?", but I have bite marks on my knuckles.
No offence to the work as a piece of entertainment. It was a lot of fun.

I may have had a bit of a fascination with The Circus Train as a kid. Hence having read a a few things about PT Barnum and his performers
I enjoyed telling @nomenloony additional facts about Cheng & Eng and their contribution to the understanding of the renal system by participating in an test involving asparagus. Their involvement in the slavery system was a lot less laudable.
Also about General Tom Thumb and the disturbing story of the rented baby.
I always wondered, if I was a Victorian, whether I might have been a freak show performer. I can sing, and I have some medical conditions which (though controllable with modern medicine) would have made my appearance unusual 100+ years ago.
The freak show has a very difficult history to get your head round. There is terrible exploitation right alongside opportunity and celebration. Mocking alongside seeking inspiration and learning. Talent alongside spectacle. Racism and ignorance alongside a quest to understand.
Anyway. I am waiting impatiently for the blockbuster musical film about Pablo Fanque (real name Will from Norwich).
If it doesn't come soon, I may write it myself.
(He's still problematic to modern eyes though. Ask Ki-hi-chin-fan-foo.)
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