Thanks @FBIMemphis

Hopefully, you'll be able to get to the bottom of this better than Hillary's Server. Comey's words still ring in my ears.

Hey, by the way - would love to hear how the "RV" was able to create the CONTRAIL SHOWN HERE!

You know - I got to thinking - once your done setting up the next Patsy - don't forget to include the EXPLOSION CAME FROM BELOW STREET LEVEL (not in the RV parked on the other side of the building).

Wanting to stay FULLY INFORMED - I immediately turned on Anderson Cooper - the most trusted name in news - only to learn it was the RV after all.


Are you guys looking for new agents? I hear Xi has some extras you haven't used yet?

Sure is handy he left his 30 foot RV intact for the cameras? Almost like it was part of a "SHOW" - you know - for the little people?

Kinda reminds me of a story, of an anagram character named CEASAR SAYOC. What is his relationship with The Daily Beast?
It's almost embarrassing how our Law Enforcement have been focused into the tip of the Globalist Spear - aimed straight at the Heart of US Citizens' Freedom.

Won't miss those trials though - Crimes Against Humanity. Starting real soon!

How come the Brits knew about the Nashville Bombing a full 17 HOURS prior to the event?

Is this at all related to the Intelligence sharing agreement we have with them? ;)

It's ok. You can tell them ... they already know!


[look closely]
Speaking of Patsies being lined up for the coming STORM (remember Sleepy's Dark Winter call-out) ... then there's this!

Sort of reminds me of the movie Casablanca - "round up all the usual suspects...."
What would happen if all those WHO assisted in this Nashville business were being surveilled?

Let me put it another way - Dear FBI - how's your dirty LAUNDRY?

And ... let me get this straight - the Streetlight Cameras, Smart Poles & Audio Recorders all had their data stored at the point of the explosion?

now, point for me - on the map - exactly where the good ole' FBI boys said the RV was (don't worry - WE KNOW).
A few weeks back - Rudy had a message for all those working for the Dark Team ...

"Starting Right After Christmas This Is All Going To Blow Up" ....


YOU WERE SURVEILLED (as in FISA Surveillance).
Slow motion, image stabilized view.

Note the momentary haze encroachment - center point of the smoke trail - frame by frame. Very interesting.
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