Traditional vaccines contain an attenuated virus with an intact antigen. The antigen is a protein that acts as a flag🚩. It sits on the surface of the virus and tells our body that this substance is a foreign body that must be attacked. 2/n
The body then recognises the antigen on the surface of the virus and launches an immune response to it. The body starts to produce antibodies to attack this particular protein. Since the virus is dead, the person doesn't risk getting the disease. 3/n
Eventually, the antibodies taper off slowly. In the future, if the person is faced with a similar protein, the immune system mounts a response very quickly avoiding full-fledged infection or illness. 4/n
In COVID 19, the spike protein is the antigen. Its role is to allow the virus to grab onto a human cell and enter it. 5/n
Dr Wakefield is claiming that the new mRNA vaccine is not a vaccine. Calling it so is a misnomer. The mRNA does not elicit an immune response. The mRNA enters the human cells then uses the cells' machinery to produce the spike protein which then elicits an immune response. 6/n
The cells start to produce the spike protein that the body will detect as a foreign substance and mount an immune response against. According to Wakefield, this has the potential of launching an autoimmune disease where the body starts to attack its own cells. 7/n
1) How will the mRNA enter the human cells? Will it be carried by nanoparticles?
2) Will the mRNA enter all human cells or only certain types of cells?
3) Is there a possibility of developing an autoimmune response as a result of this 'novel vaccine'?
4) Are we sure that the cell will break down the mRNA and get rid of it after displaying the spike protein on the cell?
"mRNA never enters the nucleus of the cell, which is where our DNA (genetic material) is kept." - CDC

5) Are we sure that the mRNA will not enter the nucleus of the cells and will stay in the cytoplasm (the yellow area in the image)?
6) Are we sure that the mRNA will not integrate into the cell's genetic material and start to be replicated and perhaps be passed on to the next generation?
Should we be worried about having babies that will look like this? 🙂

7) Should we worry about anaphylaxis (severe allergic reaction) to the vaccine?
8) Should we reflect on any other aspects of this mRNA vaccine?
9) Do we need more time to study this vaccine before launching it on the entire human species?
Now, are you wondering why Big Pharma is experimenting with this 'novel vaccine'?
The simple answer is that it's much faster to scale up and produce mRNA than to make attenuated viruses. This would make vaccinating 7.7 billion people a lucrative possibility.
The only way to address fears around vaccines is to discuss them openly instead of calling people anti-vaxxers.
I hope scientists will engage in this discussion to clarify matters to the general public. Informed consent is key to adopting a health behaviour.
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