Lots of chatter about how movies are better if they appear larger to you, visually, and are louder.

Personally, I prefer a disappointment to be smaller in scale, and easier on the ears.
In all seriousness tho, I find movies infinitely more enjoyable when I can pause them if I need to pee, & there's nobody unwrapping candy, talking, or kicking the back of my seat.

I think a one-experience-fits-all for movies is a silly assumption. Especially from the filmmakers
I LOVED Tenet. If Nolan had his way, I'd have seen it in an IMAX theater with people coughing on me during a pandemic. I watched it on my couch. Twice. And I didn't miss a second of his overly complicated plot, or hard-to-hear dialogue, because I could pause it to go pee.
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