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air signs are often referred to as “aloof” / “ditsy” because they aren’t always present in the moment. this is due to all the extra energy they’re picking up, but they’re not only picking up on energy they’re processing it mentally.

Air signs can be scatter brained because their mind absorbs emotions and energy from people and places. People will say they’re not street smart, but rather book smart. This may be true because they become so easily overwhelmed by energy.

Air signs talk a lot to release energy that they pick up from their surroundings. Air signs are alchemists in this way! They absorb energy, process it, and then form their own opinion on the matter then speak on it. We need air signs to help us think of new and

innovative ways to move energy and survive in this world. They love to learn because they absorb many different ways of doing things, and they can then go and teach others.

Air signs are wonderful teachers, they encourage “perspective” and they are also students of their students. If you want a teacher that will allow you creative freedom to formulate your own beliefs, and perspective? Go learn from an air sign!
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