Be smart. The Democrats in office get their power and leverage directly from you. If you fail to get behind the Democrats, they won't have much leverage against Republicans. If you inaccurately bash the Democrats, you're taking away what leverage they do have against Republicans.
Most of you, frankly, you NO IDEA how politics works. You don't know what is and is not possible. You demand magic wand solutions from the Democrats, then mistakenly bash them when your childlike fantasies don't happen. And you're egged on by dishonestly opportunistic pundits.
Then there's the segment of liberals who don't even CARE how politics works, and they only bash the Democrats because it makes them feel superior to everyone else on the left. I wish these sick people would find a less destructive way of stroking their own egos.
Whenever the Democrats in office embark on anything, they always have to try to figure out how to work around the fact that most liberal activists have no clue how anything works and no interest in learning. Many of you are LIABILITY when it comes to actual political progress.
Again, some liberals sabotage the Democrats because they're sick and they enjoy doing so. But MOST of you are only sabotaging the Democrats because you have a small child's understanding of how politics works, and you get upset when it never plays out that simplistically.
Most of you are not primarily to blame for your destructive behavior. You just make the mistake of listening to liberal pundits who try to score cheap points wit you by urging you to inaccurately blame the Democrats for things that don't even work that way.
You all think political battles are won and lost by which politicians stomp their feet the loudest, or why doesn't this or that politician just grow a spine and do something? But this is a small child's misunderstanding of politics. NOTHING WORKS THIS WAY. NOTHING. EVER.
Winning political battles is leverage. Not foot stomping, not magic wands, but LEVERAGE. You give the Democrats leverage by fiercely urging them to pursue *realistic* outcomes. You take leverage away from the Democrats when you inaccurately bash them for not having a magic wand.
You've got to cut off those liberal pundits who try to score points with you by convincing you that your ignorance of the political process makes you superior to the Democrats in office. Not only do these pundits harm the overall political process, they keep you ignorant.
Most (not all) liberal pundits on Twitter are just here to pander to you, score easy likes, go viral, make a name for themselves, and they'll tell you whatever convenient nonsense you want to hear. They're your enemy.
The mainstream media isn't your enemy. They're just empty suits. They go soft on Republicans because otherwise conservative activists will shred them. But they can be dishonestly hard on Democrats, and liberal activists usually don't push back.
Liberal activists rarely step in to defend the Democrats from the media's dishonest attacks, because liberal activists are usually too busy inaccurately bashing the Democrats themselves. The media knows this, and approaches things accordingly.
"But why should the Democrats be immune from criticism?" Shut up. You sound like a narcissistic eight year old. This isn't about trying to make yourself feel special by positioning yourself as superior to both parties. Grow up. This is about winning and progress, not your ego.
The Democrats are the firefighters. The Republicans are the arsonists. If you're on the side of the firefighters, you learn what they need in terms of support, and you provide it to them. You don't stand there like an asshole and needle them while they're trying to put fires out.
If you stand there and inaccurately bash the firefighters over their techniques while they're trying to put fires out, you're not helping. You're a liability. Go learn how firefighting actually works, then come back and figure out how to play a productive support role.
Do firefighters need oversight? Of course. Are there bad firefighters who periodically need dealt with? Of course. But don't claim to be a firefighting activist, only to stand there and inaccurately bash the firefighters for not using a magic wand to put out the fire.
Same thing with politics. Don't claim to be a liberal activist, and then just stand there and inaccurately bash the Democrats for not using a magic wand in their political battles. That's not activism, it's just you trying to make yourself feel superior to everyone on your side.
I say all of this because I know that most of you truly want to win political battles and deliver real change. If the above thread sounds harsh, it's only because it's the reality you need to embrace in order to reach your political goals. The truth is always step one.
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