Still thinking how there's 9 types of Intelligence & Taehyung literally has 9/9 of them which really shows in his way of thinking, his behaviour & his personality! Which is really rare & interesting to discuss
1. Naturalist intelligence, a capability to make connections with different parts of nature for example animals, plants, oceans.This ppl are really curious about living things! Which clearly shows on Taehyung's Vante photography that also reflects his spatial intelligence+
For more example Remember Taehyung took the wrong bus & got lost in Sweden but remained unbothered cuz the scenery was nice & blew the dandelion living the best time of his life clicking pictures & exploring!
Also the way Taehyung found a stray cat & brought food for him, the purest connection he had with Chopa & tried to be friends with a squirrel!
It also reflects on the time when Taehyung adopted yeontan even though he was born with health problems & the way he consulted to a dog trainer because he wanted to be a “Good guardian” to him! He's so thoughtful :(
2. Spatial intelligence
They've a different vision of world they visualise it in 3D. They're able to vizualise images or objects from differents angles. They're artistic, has graphic skills & an extraordinary imagination! Tata is 1 of his spatial creation which's 4th dimensional
Remember when members had to transfer coke from 1 bottle to another & when it was Taehyung's turn how he managed to control the coke frizz brilliantly. Members were so amazed
Remember when Taehyung solved the rubix cube in few minutes at a fansign
A fact that Taehyung is a photographer just explains how much unique perspective he has & that he've been credited as the visual director of BE. The way he let each of the members express themselves in the concept pics Which represent themselves the way he've been praised
The immense love he has for art just says that all I don't even have to explain
3. Liguistic intelligence, it's not only ability to talk in diff language, but also an ability to understand how language affects our emotions for example Tae wrote Stigma which's complicated he portrayed his emotions beautifully. He speaks jap, chinese, kor, Eng, lil french
Like while writing scenery both his spatial & linguistic intelligence reflects! The way he wanted to put all of his feelings through music incredible
4- the intrapersonal intelligence, is an ability to control own self & to have a strong will to achieve anything, like the way he acts, to do high notes & they know how to solve their problems with their knowledge!
Remember when Taehyung was having the toughest time & so he took care of that feeling by constantly writing it down in his notes & writing music! & Suddenly we got blue & grey he was trying get away from his problems :(
Also the fact that he loves doing strategies & cheat on games to win reflects it more
5. Interpersonal intelligence,
An ability to understand others & predict their intentions! This kind of ppl are so much observant
Remember when the members pranked Taehyung saying they lost his bag, but Taehyung figured out it was a prank & so he went along with their prank & acted serious bring all mad. The way he's such an actor
The fact that Taehyung knew Yoongi eat his soup mixing an egg yolk & his 1st instinct was to give Yoongi his last egg yolk & Yoongi went "Are u taking care of me?" He observes everything😭😭
Interpersonal intelligence is also an ability to socialise! As we all know Taehyung's a social butterfly & make friends on washroom or wherever he goes for example Sungjae & Moonbok & also a random man in Hawaii they even did fishing together
That was so heartwarming when Joon said on Fancafe how Taehyung went out with the dancers of Singularity to eat & played with them
He's literally a social butterfly
7. Existencial intelligence,
an ability to conceptualize bigger questions about human existence. This kind of ppl are deep thinkers & very curious!
It said that this kind of people are old souls! We can see how Taehyung has an old soul
Like his quotes are always so deep
8. Mathematical Intelligence, not fully but in a a logical way but here's a small compilation of Taehyung solving math in run just in few seconds
He have his own logic which's on point & really incredible
That 1 run task when they had to take 2 cake slices & eat them in the elevator. So instead of eating the cake on that spot Taehyung threw the slices in the elevator then ate them finishing the task in 2mins
When Taehyung calculated the direction of the puck so that he can make it on 1 hit.
9. Musical intelligence, an ability to perform, compose,produce,play instruments it's literally has on Taehyung the way he knows to play different instruments like violin, saxophone, guitar & piano
Remember when Namjoon said they were figuring out what to do with the B part of "Run" & Taehyung solved it with his melody.
"So Taehyung's opinion was right, in the end."
Reminder Taehyung has an ‘Absolute pitch’ & which is rare for people to have & also a part of musical Intelligence
Finally. Bodily-kinesthetic intelligence:
An ability to have a body control & control of facial expressions. We know how much well known Taehyung is for his expression remember when Taehyung didnt flinched
The fact that Taehyung most of the time remember their old choreos is also an example. Remember choreographer Sungdeuk was following Taehyung's movements on of their old songs!
His incredible stage presence & body control is out of level!
[END OF THREAD] I'm sorry for the numbering typos I messed up a bit also for the mathematical Intelligence I tried to show a logical one even tho I know it doesn't goes fully on him! Hope y'all loved it! All above we all agreed Taehyung is so unbelievably talented & god gifted💜
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