About Communism & #farmprotests... Here's an old joke of the Soviet era: Someone in Moscow asked about how to deal with mice in the Kremlin?
Pat came the reply from Gosplan: Put up a sign saying "collective farm". Then half the mice will starve, and the rest will run away. 😂
A Communist Party official reaches a collective farm...
OFFICIAL: "Comrade farmer, how has the harvest been ?"
FARMER "Oh, by the grace of God we have had mountains of potatoes".
OFFICIAL: "But there is no God"
FARMER: "Huh...there are no mountains of potatoes either"
‘What will happen if we build Communism in the Sahara Desert?’
‘For the first 50 years there will be nothing but planning and talking. After that, all of a sudden, Sahara will run out of sand…’
"Is it hard to be in the gulag?" – "Only for the first 10 years."
Stalin was out swimming, but he began to drown. A peasant who was passing by jumped in & pulled him safely to shore. Stalin asked the peasant what he would like as a reward. Realising whom he had saved, the peasant cried out: ‘Nothing! Just please don’t tell anyone I saved you!’
An old Soviet joke about scarcity in the Communist country:

What's 150 yards long and eats potatoes? A Moscow queue waiting to buy meat.
Q: What is the difference between the Constitutions of the US and USSR? Both of them guarantee freedom of speech.

A: Yes, but the Constitution of the USA also guarantees freedom after the speech.
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