Barry Lopez passed away yesterday evening, making his last great journey.
His work –– graceful, meticulous, ethical, compassionate, from Arctic Dreams to Common Ground to Horizon & far beyond –– shaped & will go on to shape countless lives, hearts & landscapes...
Barry knew that no landscape speaks with a single voice; that place is always polyglot.
His writing recognised this, speaking w/ the energy & variety of a braided river, picking new courses & channels through archaeology, geology, oral history & natural history...
"Stories people tell have a way of taking care of them", he wrote, "If stories come to you, care for them & learn to give them away where they're needed. Sometimes a person needs a story more than food to stay alive. That's why we put these stories in each other's memories."
Barry gave us stories to help us stay alive.
Stories of love, care, generosity & land, of the grace-notes of the canyon wren, of petroglyphs carrying wisdom across deep human time.
And stories of warning & horror, too––of exploitation and wreckage...
The range & reach of Barry's work makes a nonsense of labels such as 'nature writer' or 'travel writer'.
His subjects were people and land––and these of course are subjects boundless in their breadth, infinite in their complexity & fathomless in their depth...
For me, as for so many, Barry's work was formative not just at the moment of first contact, but durably, profoundly.
He exploded my sense of what 'non-fiction' could be, what it might achieve.
He was my north star, the writer who made me a writer...
Last year, though he was ill, Barry drove across Oregon to meet me in Portland.
We spent the afternoon together before a public conversation at Powells.
I had a chance to try and tell him what he & his work meant to me; to hug him & laugh with him.
He gave me as a gift a rock he'd picked up high in Antarctica; a ventifact of black stone, sculpted by wind & ice into a strange, smooth-sided almost-polygon, enigmatic & otherworldly.
Such kindness.
It lives on my writing desk as an anchor-point, an object to think with.
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