If you take a look at the "trans murder" statistic u'll find that most victims were sex workers

This doesn't make it okay but it does mean one thing.

The biggest killer of trans women is sex work.

But TRAs will never admit that bcs this challanges the phrase "sex work is work"
It puts them at odds against liberal feminism and its idea that the sex industry empowers women and all that jazz and thus, putting them at odds with the entire liberal and woke community as well.

They themselves are prime examples that no. Sex work is not work
It also robs black trans of their "most oppressed group ever" lable bcs it shows that straight black women have nothing to do with this

It also shows that the onus of fixing and improving the lives of trans pple lies on these trans rights organizations bcs it's completely doable
It's completely doable for them to raise the awareness and funds needed to afford trans women the funds and employment needed to get out of the sex industry and sex work in general

Thus saving trans lives
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