In spite of the tragic events this year, I have made some momentous steps in my life with the accomplishments of the @JackLeslieCamp & @LeslieRaffle.

I can’t thank the Committee enough for making it all possible, especially @Tillerpop & @GregFoxsmith.

In the face of national economic hardship we managed to pull together to surpass our initial target of £100,000 with a growing total of over £140,000.

That being said, I’m grateful to all the people and businesses for donating to the Campaign regardless of the amount.

With help from the Campaign, I also managed to personally complete several successful raffles to aid the Campaign as well as @MindDevon with my Christmas Raffle.

In total I’ve managed to raise £4,344, an amount I could never imagine I would raise.

You can follow @Jamie_A_Burton.
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