My second #WonderWoman viewing and my review:

Haters gonna hate..

And will always hate a movie that crushes the Bechdel test, makes the male characters secondary support weaklings, has zero male gaze, and a woman who corrects a guy calling her "miss" with "it's doctor"
Also the props, costume, and set design people did an amazing job.

Barbara at dinner Dianna drinking a Bartles and Jaymes wine cooler nit even the focus of screen from the bottle is an impressive attention to detail

Commander Salamander in 1984 G'town perfect
Please stop with the "plot doesn't make sense" nonsense

It's purely traditional comic book trope..

Hits all the usual points: object causing transformation; testing s/hero's nature & goodness; villans driven by lifetime of powerlessness to gain control; s/hero's sacrifice
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