This is not a parody. PragerU really believes this crap. So let's just dig through these deep piles of doo doo. 1/10
“Statues of great Americans” - statues of Lee, like many Confederate soldier statues, had an altogether different purpose.. For example, Lee was never in New Orleans but “Lee Circle” supposedly honored the man. Truth is, these statues were to justify Jim Crow. 2/10
Robert E. Lee was related to George Washington's family. Great. Many of us can trace our ancestry to Genghis Khan. Sofia Coppola was the daughter of Francis Ford Coppola. How did that work out in Godfather III? 3/10
Lee’s home before the Civil War is now Arlington Cemetery. It’s not like he gave it up voluntarily. The Union seized it during the Civil War. 4/10
It’s quite bizarre that Dennis Prager thinks that defeating a slave rebellion is a good thing. We sentence him to 100 hours straight of watching Spartacus (Kirk Douglas version, not the cable porn version). 5/10
(Prager doesn’t see the irony of using John Brown being tried and hanged for treason to defend the statue of a man who committed treason.) 6/10
We’re supposed to celebrate that Lee thought slavery was worse for white people. Oh, and being a slave was better than living in Africa. Worth celebrating. Got it. Next week, Stalinism in Ukraine wasn’t so bad. 7/10
The “icon of reconciliation” opposed African Americans voting. Remember, Prager U. considers this worth celebrating with a statue at the Capitol. 8/10
But he had a cool horse. 9/10
This has all the intellectual depth of a bunch of racist drunks arguing at a bar over which way the Confederate battle flag should be hung. 10/10
I'm not in favor of mobs taking these statues down. But I am in favor of local governments making the appropriate (hopefully educated) decisions.
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