When I was in secondary school... One of my classmates beat me stupid 😭 That boy was a terrorist, though he was also my friend but a bully...

I was never into anything physical though but that day he trolled me will we fought and the boy was stupid, but he beat me 😭😭😭
Although he's late now... God bless his soul 😑

We never stopped being friends but even when I grew taller than him, the idiot used that experience to laugh at me even when we saw during our class reunion some years ago...

However on the flip side, 2 - 3 years from that year
There was this family that had two naughty boys who always bullied my sisters.

I still didn't want to have any physical fights, but they'd threaten my sisters and tell them that they'd beat me too if I tried to dare them.
I never took them serious until the day they beat my younger sister and I saw marks on her body.

Omo, my parents came back and went to see the parents of those naughty boys but even after everything, they didn't stop...

The bullying continued.
So on a fateful day my sister came back crying that she was slapped by one of them, the younger boy and I was infuriated...

I still hated any physical fights but I was done... So I went to meet the boy and asked him why he slapped my sister. He started talked nonsense
He said I wouldn't do anything about it... I just pretended I was walking away, and he was still ranting, that was when I forgot my fist on his face and followed it with a dirty slap... Lmao, I beat the boy till he was crying and I left... S
I knew his elder brother who was taller than me was going to come for me, but at that point, I was ready with my 2 by 4 hard wood, planning on my moves, rehearsing those Chinese martial arts skills lmao.

That's how you know that I'm not up for any physical fight lmao 🤣
So I was on my way out and I saw one of the naughty boys, the elder one to be precise. He had red eyes already and was coming my way...

Omo, my heart was beating fast, so I ran, lmao 🤣🤣🤣 I was being chased by both of them. He then said if he catches my sister, he was going to
beat her to pulp... I didn't care, I just had to run... 🤣🤣🤣

My heart nearly left my body...

The next day, one of my sister came back and said she was being chased by the elder one.

Omo, I was angry but fear made me lose courage to even try...
So somehow we both met on my way, just me and the elder naughty bully, and he was like " shebi you don run finish"... So I told him to avoid trouble because my fight no dey finish.

The boy kept pushing me, hitting my chest.

Just about then, the younger naughty bully showd up
It was like ghenghen for me and there was no time for my heart to even process fear at all...

I warned him not to hit my chest again, but the idiot didn't care, so he pounded my chest like he was pounding yam🤣

I returned the favour, then he rushed at me, I bent down
and with one hand lifted this guy up and next he was on the floor, and luckily for me there was a staircase close by😋, I pounced on him and I was punching, matching him, I kept hitting him while mentioning my sisters name, warning him to avoid them...
The younger naughty bully saw me pounding his brother and rushed at me...

All I did, was to forget my fist on his face, and I guess that threw him off balance, so I carried him up and smashed him on his elder brother...

Omo fight was sweet.

I kept pounding until
some persons rushed to separate the fight...

I got some scratches from fingers of the older bully, but bro, that day I bullied those bullies.

Their parents came to my house and started talking plenty but then normally my dad would lash me for stuffs like that but that day,
my old man was like "enough is enough".

It wasn't quite long after then, I stopped seeing them around lmao because I was expecting a return match and I was ready with more wicked plans lmao🤣

I had plans to make life a little hell for them for ever laying hands on my sisters.
I counted the number of times my sisters complained to me and I wanted to ensure we had more fights...

The courage was never lacking after then.
I was ready to bully them, troll them, and do worse...

That was my last physical fight though and it was about 15 years ago...
Your problems are not actually bigger than you.

You're just too afraid to try.

I recall the older bully saying "shebi I don catch you"? Lmao...

After the beating he said we would fight again and I told him to fix a date and time lmao... Me and my mind ooo!
Victory is beautiful and you can get victory in life if you kill fear and have some courage...

Omo, I'm not a motivational speaker or a story teller lmao 🤣🤣🤣

I just recalled the last physical fight I had that ended in victory

I missed the part where they both cried when they were trying to explain what happened 🤣🤣🤣

I think that was the part where I felt like a boss 😋
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