We've replaced rigor and expertise with how loud your voice is in social media as a pseudo marker for legitimacy...

The internet is a bastion for Dunning-Kruger, high confidence for those who know little about a subject.

The expert of everything is a real problem we face. https://twitter.com/ScottAdamsSays/status/1342532193239756802
The bigger your platform, the easier it is to get lost in your own world of perceived expertise. Every tweet you send off, gets thousands of self-reinforcing 'likes', making you feel good, and sending a message that you must be correct.
As someone with a small platform, it's something I think about a lot.

When you know just enough to be dangerous, everything fits together and makes sense. The simple realization seems profound. It's only when you dig deeper, do you realize how mistaken you are.
One of my heuristics when learning about a subject is:

Read until the topic makes sense. That's a sign you don't know what's going. Keep reading until you are confused. That's a sign you're on the right track.
And why pick on Adams? He's got experts in the field, explaining and citing research on where his reasoning is wrong. Yet resists going that next step.

Staying on the surface level of understanding is comforting. Much harder to go the next level deeper and show humility.
You can follow @stevemagness.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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