Totally mesmerized by these latest pics of the new bar counter at Pompeii (with thanks to @MassimoOsanna and @pompeii_sites; pics by Luigi Spina). There's so much going on with this counter...!
Beyond the paintings themselves, which are of course getting all the attention right now, the configuration of the counter is rare, being set back a bit from the threshold (to allow greater access from the busy street intersection).
And those vessels are especially unusual in their form and the way they've been set into the upper surface; those along the inner arm of the counter are what we normally find. Hard to tell if the present reconstruction has had any impact on this difference?
Also seems that the counter could have been rebuilt at some (late) stage in its life. The different surface treatments, the different vessel types; and the unusual shape/configuration of the counter normally points to some history of redesign.
Thanks to this latest work we're going to learn so much...!

Oh, and if you're interested in these kinds of things, maybe check out my book on bars and retail outlets at Pompeii and across the Roman world...!
I guess this is what I was trying to say:
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