My own tips for people just starting:
-drop the "artistic integrity" crap. use 3d models and perspective hacks and filters.
-build a buffer. BUILD A BIG BIG BUFFER.
-draw in a style that is doable in a week.
-you do not need 60 panels weekly
-you are (usually) doing this for free. draw a story YOU enjoy drawing
-give yourself breaks. i plan "vacation" weeks where i ONLY draw fun stuff like fanart or shipping doodles, or nothing at all
-you will ALWAYS hate the old panels. let it go.
A few more:
-make your own or buy brushes that speed up things you do constantly
-make thumbnails of your pages and then import them at a rough sketch so you can kinda skip the rough part and go right to sketching the detailed version.
-dont shade unless shading tells us somethin
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