People defend Pres Trump’s actions as part of the process. So let’s look at what that process is:
1. Convince tens of millions of Americans that the election system is rigged.
2. Hire several bat-sh&t crazy attorneys.
3. Ask judges to throw out millions of mostly minority votes
4. Ask the Supreme Court to throw out 20 million votes in four states
5. File affidavits with SCOTUS and other courts from experts who falsify their credentials and make up facts and statistics.
6. Pressure local officials to overturn results from duly counted votes.
7. Pressure Congressmen to ignore their duties as electors and overturn election results.
8. Reject a Covid aid bill as revenge against politicians in your own party who won’t break the law and install you as president.
9. Repeatedly tweet lies about the election so as to undermine faith in American democracy and delegitimization the next president.

This is not part of the any process. It is antithetical to the democratic process.
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