****WW84 Spoilers****

I'm surprised more people aren't talking about the casual sex using someone else's body thing.

I feel like the outrage if the situation was reversed (woman's body inhabited and used that way) would be justifiably off the charts.
It's insane to me because it creates so many plot problems for zero story gain. It's all hassle and cringe with no benefit to the narrative.

A day later and I'm still dumb founded by it.
Imagine how much more powerful it would have been if they snatched Steve Trevor out of time whole cloth the moment before he died and Diana has to decide to send him back to his final fate.

How much more intense could that have been?
He could have appeared in his old clothes so you still get your 80's fashion show bit and minor fish out of water smirky stuff and the table is set for maximum emotion later.
Also, keep him until the end so THAT is your climactic decision and Diana actually has a reason to wear the armor.

(Why does she need it? She has her power back! Why does she have wings? She can fly now. Or sky swing. Or fly...They don't know which one they want.)
I mean, there are a dozen other weird things I twinged on I could have hand waved if the core emotional stuff worked, but it didn't so now it's just an illogical story snake eating its own tail.
Once the core character stuff breaks, I'm merciless. I'll dissect every logic flaw and continuity gaff because there's nothing left for me to care about.
I mean, sure, I guess there are fully fueled jets sitting around the Smithsonian, Diana has a random invisibility making power, Washington DC doesn't go on lockdown once a fighter jet is stolen and vanishes-
-they luckily drive down the one road in Cairo that Max Lord is driving the opposite way on, there's a satellite that can project real time camera footage to every screen on the planet-
And the White House has footage and witnesses who saw WW and a random guy beating up security staff but won't track them down.

Fine, I guess.

I will mind scrub a lot if you make me care.
Every single person who wished takes back their wish? In a world where we see nothing but selfish insanity?

Fine, I guess. It's idealized/romanticized superhero speech stuff. My eyes roll but I could have lived with it if I was emotionally invested in the characters.
Even as a sequel/prequel/shared universe thing, part of me will be irked if it doesn't fit together properly, but if it works on its own as an entertaining and engaging story I can let most of that go.
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