Can understand people being upset about Erasmus but as others have already said, in my school nobody told us this was a thing we could do. Instead, we had visits from aggressive men telling us if we wanted to see the world then we could join the army.
So it isn’t as simple as saying that Tories have ‘robbed’ young people in Britain of a future. Loads of young people were shut out of this before Brexit and its loss makes literally zero difference to them or their families.
I’ve had lots of messages from people telling me ‘Erasmus changed my life’ - good. I’m glad. But don’t pretend it was as accessible to everyone, or that every young person has the same opportunities, or is even told these things exist, or would have the means to access them.
Outside the mini supermarket half a mile from my house (not the city centre - on the estate next to the closed coal mine) the army did a stall once a month for about 4 years. Nobody was doing that for Erasmus, or university education in general.
I don’t need people to explain what schools and universities are THANK YOU go and shag the EU instead kthanxbye
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