Marriage/love is not a scam. Take the responsibility that you married the wrong person. Some of you jump into marriage without getting to know the person. In dating, you were busy just having sex, taking photos & asking yourselves ‘have you eaten’ 20 times a day. It’s your fault.
I get tired of young unserious people who run into relationships for material/sexual gratification and then come out to shout about how marriage is rubbish. If you married a partner you consider stupid, you have part of the blame. Yes, you don’t have to stay but accept your part.
This applies to both men and women. Women will go marry a man who’s clearly toxic for whatever reason: money or social class. Men will marry women for even money or physical beauty, and two months later, you’re on social media shouting marriage is scam. No. You didn’t have sense.
Marriage is much more than for the gram or for retweets and social media clout. It’s a whole humbling process. You must get the foundation right. Many young people get swayed by frivolities and end up with the devil. Some see the signs but ho ahead to marry hoping they change🤦🏼
Marriage is not beautiful by default. It’s like an empty box. The love, peace, effective communication and maturity in marriage comes from both of you, and that’s why the most important factor is not just having the right person, but also being the right person.
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