\\\\Okay. I'm gonna try this again. I'm gonna use smaller words and speak bluntly and plainly because it seems some of you folks really do not understand some basic Role-Play (RP) concepts. And given the recent RPMoans, it's only gotten worse. So, here... we... go.
First off, I defend Role-Play, not Role-Players. Do I have friends, yes. And I let them know when lines are crossed but I don't freak out about it unless it persists or gets monumentally bad (or if it seems an ill omen for the writer themselves).
That said, I honestly do not give a SHIT what you RP. From a taboo enraptured monster of a person to a rapper that says the N word every third word. I don't give a shit.

Because, shocker, I don't have to RP with you if you hit my personal taboos. Go back to 'First off'.
This is where my line came in: The BBC.

A chunk of these folks didn't just keep In character to in character... they took it OUT of Character. At this point, it is NOT the character but the writer themselves. This is when it becomes the JK Rowling thing...
This is where I made a couple videos on that issue came from. They failed to keep it IN character and they dragged it OUT of character. This means it's the Writer / Player who is espousing this bullshit. But others feel anything done OOC is to be taken IC and vice versa...
That's not how that works. People who have 'gained my ire' have seen how I break things down. Offenses IN character were different than the Offenses OUT of character. Again, a very firm line, thus it keeps me from flying off IRRATIONALLY. It's having it separated.
They TYPICAL DEFENSE that comes back is, "You're the writer, you're responsible for the character's actions." And here's the problem there: You don't chase authors and go all "MISERY" when something in a BOOK happens.
You don't lose your shit on a screen writer when ->
something bad happens in a movie or television show, yet you hold a different standard to RPers.

So fuck character Premise right?
Instead of dealing with that on that level, it's "Raise the pitchforks because Bobby is RPing something I don't like."

Who the FUCK are YOU to dictate who RPs what?

Hell, I made the RP Commandments and the summary of them is, Live and Let live... just fucking READ!
Just because their character is racist does not mean THEY are as the writer. There's a high probability some are just trying to be edgi-bois (edgy-boys). Evil for sake of evil. Bad for sake of bad. This is why many point out their WRITER is friendly but the character is itself.
And if they are 'edgy' and you're screaming and bitching about their character... of COURSE they'll throw things back at you. DUH. They 'edgy'. How is this a surprise? But if you can't keep things apart, it'll make your time worse. But if they espouse that BS OOC, I'm with ya.
Again, in videos my writer (me) made that perfectly clear. And in the great big list, I pointed out the flaw that turned the person who was saying it was racist, into the very thing they were bashing. And since it was made out of character, I have to hold THEM to it.
Now... onto Cliques.

I do get it. They don't let people in, don't talk to no one new because their cliques were formed from the DAWN of TIME and none of them ever (And Jericho means EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEVER) talked to anyone to make said clique, they just WERE! Always has been.
A lot of folks take that as a personal insult because they may not want to be in the clique, they want to RP with YOU! With YOUR character! Not the horde of 'asshats' but with YOU! But your clique says 'naw' because ONE of them had a beef with that person.
And so, one person not liking another means the clique doesn't like them which means, YOU lose your autonomy because if YOU speak to THEM... You're out. You've 'lost the trust of the clique' because you did something against the hive mind, from their view.
Next topic: Changing race / sexuality / etc of a character... IN ROLE PLAY.

Like hinted at earlier with 'Head Canon', this is merely an AU situation: Race bending, sexuality, gender, aging up, etc. It's not the official stance. It's a "What If..." of that character. Chill.
But so many of you (In terms of RP) get pissy over every little thing. "The character is Gay in the comics and you made them straight! You're homophobic."

How funny this is because this is a no-win across the board. What if the writer was gay and wanted to do a 'What if'?
What if they were bi and wanted to a what if?

But I'll amuse the ASSUMPTION that the writer was straight and turned a character, in an AU, from Gay to Straight.

What if the writer kept the character Gay, what would you say then hm? You'd find out what the writer was first yes?
Of COURSE you would. Because you know the 'no-win' as well as I.
If writer is Straight: "You're fetishizing my community and offending us!!"
(Same with race bending, back to another BBC rant I've done)
But if the writer was straight and turned the character straight because they felt they couldn't represent the community right, it's: "Haven't we been OPPRESSED ENOUGH you homophobe!? How DARE you change the sexuality (gender, race, etc) of the character!" Like canon changed too.
It's almost as if you seek to be offended to be offended.
"Well they shouldn't play that character!"

Oh goody, so the RP community is now Hollywood? You have to be Black to RP a Black character? Gay to RP Gay?
"I'm bi, asexual, etc" SHUT THE FUCK UP NOOB! You don't get to!
Fucking racist, sexist, genderist or whatever else if you think about it for more than 15 seconds... but lo- it's the embodiment of Taboo Insanity.

And this covers so many things. It's part of why AU gets shit on. It's part of why some communities cry when representation of ->
a character is 'bad'... because No Minority can be an evil character. Ever. Because EVERY mother fucking RPer is actually a Hollywood screen writer in disguise and only seeks to be the next Phobe-Cists people to trick everyone with a new movie.

Come off it.
RP is RP. It holds virtually no water as Hollywood loves to attack it (Big Bang Theory being the constant offender). You're the same as those Christian groups screaming about Dungeons and Dragons turning kids to the Occult.
Those who are mentally unstable will slip one way or another, that is unfortunate and true.

And I am not saying there are "No assholes in Role-Play." (Note when I brought up Edgy Boys, the line of asshole that people are aware of before cist-phobe accusations start.)
Because, let us face it, there are assholes who fully believe their character speaks FOR them. And there's people who believe that, contrary to the writer stating otherwise.

That all said, before losing one's shit: Get a line of scrimmage.
It'll save you from having to crusade every 15 seconds, it'll let villains be VILLAINS (for the love of all, if you're gonna do something to another that you know is taboo, talk to them about it OOC first because... whoo boy)...
And maybe RP will start on the road of recovery.

The major issue in most of THOSE cases: The third party that's offended and triggered.
You can have everyone on the same page in the story, you can have all the permission in the world across the board, you can keep it raw in character...

Then comes that ONE mother fucker that reads tweet 17 out of 327 tweet chain story that's been going for months...
But tweet 17... offends them. And they lose it. Taboo Insanity. They scream, they call that person out. They attack anyone who liked any of the chain of tweets, they try and get the writers banned for a Storyline that has NOTHING to DO with THEM!
Because THEY read it, that means YOU should be penalized.

So much for live and let live eh?

"Hey, you're minimizing my experiences!"
Oh, your Real Life experiences? In a FICTIONAL world that had NOTHING to do with YOUR character at all nor addressing YOU particularly?
I know it's difficult, but go through YOUR options and settings. There's a thing known as 'muted words'. Mind your business, fix those, and let people play, Karen and Kevin. Being Triggered over RP, something that has no mainstream pull but its IRE, is not the same as say
gaming, comics, movies, television, books, music or that sort. Haven't seen you CRUSADE against rap songs calling women Bitches and how their treatment is bad against women. No no, just, "This GUY is RPing a GIRL and clearly fetishsizing us!!!"

Please. Stop.
RP is just that. Role. Play. It's only meant to be fun.

Some of you wish to use it to work through your problems, not a preferred method but to each their own. That said... not everyone that 'triggers' you is looking to trigger you. They are only Role Playing.
Focus on yourself first. Do what you need to do for your own sanity. If you get to a point you are crusading against characters, CHARACTERS! Fictional entities! Instead of finding out from the Writer what's going on, then I am SORRY to say, you are taking it... way,too,seriously.
At this point, you should not be RPing because it obviously cannot help you on your issues. Time to go to actual therapy so you can firmly recall FICTION is FICTION, not REALITY.

Now, am I clear?
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