26 December 2020 #MAGAanalysis #Overturn

Underneath The News, Beneath The Blackout Blanket

I thought to call today's mediation, "The Death Of The News Cycle," but couldn't. It may be ill. One day it may die. But it's power remains vast, and we're going to discuss that first.
2) The purpose of the purpose of the news cycle is obviously to grab and hook strong hold on your attention, on the national and global focus. The term "narrative" is anything but new. Yet it appears to be the true driving force behind the news cycle anymore.
3) There are verbs attached to this thing - being a thing, a narrative is a noun - such as shaping, directing, and ultimately controlling it. I am, as won't surprise you, a control skeptic. I don't believe in it, and wouldn't want it if it did exist. The real narrative is alive.
4) I keep thinking about the history of the media, and its sacred purpose in our republic. I've not studied William Randolph Hearst, or the history of Yellow Journalism directly, yet. But like me you likely recall that Hearst's goal was to set policy, not report it afterwards.
5) I have studied Communism. I don't recall the use of the term "narrative," but it has always been its intention to control the thoughts, knowledge, perceptions, and of course the will of its masses and what they believe. To Stalinize is to take away knowledge, wiping it out.
6) Consider a river. You think of its current as going in only one direction. You likely don't think of the fact that that direction is actually a statistical average. The vast majority of actual flows are precisely NOT in the direction of the overall river.
7) If you raft or canoe, you know that the center of the river is where the overall current is flowing, but that the flanks to the right and left demonstrate cross currents. And, when you observe the shape of the banks, you see where the cross currents have carved their paths.
8) If you define a river by its banks, as opposed to its linear start and end points, or by the current, you see a totally different story than the one told by the main current in the middle. How the river carves out its own channel is an amazing thing to contemplate.
9) What the great media masters wish most ardently is a river with nothing but rapids. Rocks here, logs there, shallow water running fast, faster, faster still. It's no longer good enough to hook your attention with the morning edition of the newspaper or 6:00 & 10:00 news shows.
10) Somehow radio, still by far the largest disseminator of news around the world, speaks differently. Picture the entire family around the radio console, listening with perfect, silent, rapt attention to FDR telling the story of the times in calm, credible, comforting tones.
11) Outside of the sexy story of social media, the reach and power of talk radio is one of the best kept secrets in plain view in America. Where did Hannity and Levin come from? They are both sons of Limbaugh, and honor him with patriarchal reverence.
12) Having attempted and failed to crack the code of talk radio in the 2016 election, I can assure of this. It really is a secret. That is, getting a list of radio shows and contact numbers is like stealing the family jewels. Not like knocking off Fort Knox, but you get the idea.
13) If I ran things, the words "control of the narrative" would turn into something far more like seduce the narrative. Coax, respect, love, honor, follow. Follow the TRUE narrative. But in today's Old Media which still runs things, truth itself is a forbidden fruit.
14) So up there at the surface where the slights shift in the breeze can cause wavelets and swirls to delight and distract, the Old Media must perpetually titillate and misdirect. Truth is their enemy. Control of the narrative is all they have, and its waning and waning fast.
15) Consider right now. The narrative is driven by a single, false term: President Elect. The term is not false on its face, it is neutral and useful, when true. The truth is that @realDonaldTrump is the incumbent and returning President. Also, the President Elect, too.
16) You know what The Cabal and its Old Media minions did. They created a new thing called The Office of the President Elect. No such office ever existed before. And of course its sole purpose is to make us believe a lie.
17) We've discussed many times how ethics mandates we tell our friends the truth, and we lie to our enemies. If you believe the Old Media are lying to you - you do - then you know they are worse than merely not your friends, they are your enemies, our enemies.
18) I'm not guessing about this. I have a dear friend who is an incredible researcher and reporter. She is courageous, as courageous as any hero newsman in any old news film. She is the reality of what we believed the heroic news warrior team of Woodward and Bernstein to be.
19) She tells me that her stories are getting a totally new black out ban - these are always silent, and you only know them by the new passes being taken by previous placement sources - surrounding the single term: President Elect Biden. Her stories debunk this, conclusively.
20) But this morning I can give you no link to her stories as they are not being placed. This is the the blanket. It is a blackout of any news that fails to bow the knee to President Elect Joe Biden. He has be decreed victor, and that is that. And that's the key to the narrative.
21) I've shared previously how both @KateScopelliti and I were cold turkeyed by FOX over that exact term. Whenever we try to go back and forgive, the next story uses that term and it's back to fictional TV shows. Boy are we getting caught up on our favorite shows, now.
22) You completely understand that our purpose here is precisely the opposite. We're probably not scuba divers in the river, air tanks create a lot of drag and are not easy to navigate with in a strong current. No, we're more like snorkelers.
23) The first thing a snorkeler learns to do, is clear his mask and breathing tube. Snorkelers do a lot of diving down, but then they come back up for air, and have a vastly reduced drag coefficient in the water thereby. They're agile.
24) Oh, a quick water story. While we lived in Cancun, I learned how to get out past the breaking, crashing waves coming in. You just dive under them and let the wave wash over you, rising up after and swimming till the next wave comes.
25) Sometimes, you do this once and you're out in the calmer, deeper water. Sometimes it takes 2 or 3 iterations. Once you know how, it feels like becoming a dolphin, no kidding. One more thing. As waves come, breathe in and hold, crest, breathe out and surf down the backside.
26) Once I learned how to do that, I came to feel that the ocean was breathing me, swimming me for me. I was a toy, a little bauble. But she liked me, and took perfect care of me. One day I may convert and become a true believer in the Religion of the Goddess Oceania.
27) Once you feel the power of the true story, the real narrative, it's positively addicting. That's why I love my Q friends so much. They're all addicted to the truth. The TRUTH. They believe in it and will NOT STOP until they have it. They need their fix.
28) And now a cross-current grabs hold of our canoe (shifting metaphors back), and we bop from Old Media Narrative Control, and current real time blackout on any Non-President Elect Biden stories over to the other bank of our river. Education.
29) We won't linger long. Education today has a blackout on these elements:

1) Theory
2) Practice
3) Strategy
4) Tactics
5) Synthesis
6) Analysis
7) Induction
8) Deduction

There are of course many other elements equally banned. But that's a damn fine list. The really hate #5.
30) Like I said, not lingering, I do have to share a basic method of suppression. They teach these things as must-master lessons, over which you will be tested and graded, if they teach them at all. They allow for no organic love affair of the truth to take root in the soul.
31) Without those tools, all you can do is set sail on the surface, or jump on their motor boat and go where they take you. You cannot swim in the waters below, yourself. Again, the best way to prevent learning is to demand it, grade it, and make students hate it.
33) Who remembers Alice Cooper and Schools Out? Or Pink Floyd and, "Teacher, leave those kids alone!" We don't need no education, we don't need no thought control. Just another brick in the wall. Hearing The Wall for the 1st time I felt my own story there too.
34) The Old Media is teacher to our national classroom. The DC Swamp is the principal. Our judiciary are the hall and study room monitors, enforcing detentions and whatnot. High Tech are rude old hag librarians telling us to shoosh. There's no talking in the library.
35) Consider your own, if need be, but most of our society's absolute aversion to study. I couldn't count the number of high-performing business executives and frontline champions I've served who told me, "I know I should, but I really don't read books."
36) Those who keep me around learn to read books, and come to love it as an unfathomable good. We open the doors to the world's library, and yes, there is much talking there, I promise. No shushing librarians. Okay, honor to the librarians, but I don't approve of shushing.
37) Study and homework. You knew I was heading here, right? I'm going to close out our work beneath the blanket of surrender to President Elect Biden, and shine light on the blackout with an intense homework assignment. It's our itinerant teacher, J. E. Dyers @OptimisticCon.
38) After studying her amazing article for a week last time, my brain got all kaboodle. I even broke on the last thread I attempted, which intended to sum up. Man I hate it when that happens. Thought I had it. I knew I had. Poof. Gone. Okay, put this one away for a bit...
41) Turning momentarily considerate and nice, Dr. Toejam guided me like so. Do NOT try to master and fully comprehend every grain of sand. Just take in the big picture, and enjoy the beach as a whole. I won't mention items 9 & 10. Yes, I withheld them.

9) Zoom Out
10) Zoom In
42) Alright already, you forced it out of me.

1) Theory
2) Practice
3) Strategy
4) Tactics
5) Synthesis
6) Analysis
7) Induction
8) Deduction
9) Zoom Out
10) Zoom In

And for baker's dozen bonus points:

11) Philosophy
12) Ethics
13) Execution
43) Bell's about to ring, kids. Don't forget to get your permission slips for the New Year's Eve party from your folks. Don't drink and drive. Sad to say it, but Covid is a thing, so be careful out there, okay?
44) As far as your binders go, you'll need to print out our 2 stories, 3-hole punch them and whip out your highlighters along with some note paper. In this classroom, remember, we show our work, mistakes and all. We embrace mistakes here, but not sloth or failure to work.
45) And remember, @realDonaldTrump is our 45th President now. And will still be that until 2024. Oh, there's big shindig in DC on January 6. You'll want to book your rooms and travel arrangements, well, yesterday.

Till tomorrow's class...
Thread ends at #45.
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