Rolled Outta Bed Thoughts Part 2, Potentially Lengthened On Medium:

In the year of our Toad 2020

Why do people still make being single out to be this fate worse than death?

It’s valid to want a relationship. Toad knows I’ve gotten shit for wanting one. But I’m not “incomplete”
Would I like a toad dad to live in childfree amphibious bliss with? Fuck yeah I would.

But my life is also pretty fantastic without a co-pilot: I’m fucking off to California and no one can stop me! I got a successful biz that’s about to catapult out there.

It’s not either-or?
Also! People die alone all the time. At every age.

For women in particular, how many old women outlive their husbands? My own grandma died 14 years after my grandpa and she never remarried. Had a full life with her friends and community til she lost cognizance.

Hardly wasted.
And have you seen statistics on STDs among seniors and retirement communities?

I really don’t think the whole “being a playboy/playgirl forever thing is unrealistic!” holds water given what I’ve read!

Check out the game Later Daters. It was based on interviews at rest homes!
So yeah. My heart is open for a long term toad daddy, but I’ve accepted it may never happen and I’m fine with that.

Probably because of all the death I witnessed? I dunno, us torture and abuse survivors tend to have a “grab life by the balls” ethos after a certain timeframe.
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