This is correct from Goodwin. But the question is whether Leavers expected some kind of tangible (though not necessarily economic) benefit as a result of laws being made in the UK and immigration being controlled.

Surely most of them did, and they'll end up disappointed. 1/8
On laws being made in the UK: the overwhelming number of laws and decisions that affect people's day to day lives are *already* made in the UK, e.g. schools, the NHS, housing, pot-holes... Many of the ones that weren't, eg food standards, most people approve of anyway. 2/8
Some industries, most notably agriculture, will be significantly affected - though of course farmers may well see *less* money coming their way as a result of Brexit. But since overall, the UK will be less competitive as a result of erecting barriers with its biggest market, 3/8
it's difficult to see how the return of "sovereignty" is going to have a tangible positive benefit to most people.

On immigration - non-EU migration which is already subject to strict rules, has exceeded EU migration in nearly every year since 1991 (chart from @MigObs) 4/8
Having more control over EU migration probably won't have that much impact on overall numbers and of course it can't turn back time and restore a Britain where nearly everyone was white and native-born. 5/8
Meanwhile, although most people would like to see fewer immigrants, concern about immigration has actually been falling since 2015 *before* the Brexit vote (graph from @IpsosMORI). 6/8
So yes, Brexit will bring the Leavers the theoretical comfort that the laws/decisions are now made in the UK, though almost nothing important will change as a result. Plus the theoretical comfort that immigration is fully controlled, though numbers won't go down much and...7/8
the structure of the UK economy, society and culture won't change much as a result - and in any case people are less worried about it anyway.

Maybe for some Leavers this theoretical comfort will be worth the economic damage. I doubt it will be for most. 8/8
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