why do so many leftists still say r*t*rd?????

is ableism that low on the list of priorities for y'all?????
It's really interesting how people say they want to be educated on why x is oppressive, but then they argue that the education part relating to language is unimportant because there are "more important issues" to worry about, but then they get mad when they're called out
because they "didn't know x was oppressive," and then they argue that they want to be educated, but then they argue that the education part relating to language is unimportant because there are "more important issues" to worry about, but then they get mad when they're called out-
and the worst part is that it's always the responsibility of oppressed people to have to do the education and suffer the consequences because people both want to and don't want to educate themselves on issues they can actually spend the time educating themselves on because
Oppressors get the luxury of being ignorant of the oppression they cause and indignant of oppressed people demanding to not be oppressed and being able to make the rules for how oppressed people need to behave and address oppressors in order to maybe hopefully some day
possibly think they can dream of a future where oppressors are benevolent enough to treat oppressed people humanely out of the kindness of their hearts because oppressed people finally achieved an unrealistic level of humanity that oppressors are allowed to shit on
Like, at some point other people's wilful ignorance has to stop being oppressed people's job to ensure in service of potentially rehabilitating people who blatant do not care if you live or die because oppressed people want both the right to be an ally and the right to oppress
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