We are frequently asked about setting up the railway and if we really lay it every day/weekend so I thought I would record the various stages of set up we do. So here for your enjoyment, a thread behind the scenes! @RAIL @MrTimDunn
0745 am. Arrival on to site. Station area equipment, tools and coal are unloaded from the truck, gazebo from the trailer and the strapping removed from track.
0810 am. The first few panels of track (50 foot or so) are laid and a ramp is built to allow the coach and loco to be rolled down from the trailer.
0830 am. The first stack of track has been laid. That's about 240ft so far.
0845 am. Roughly an hour after arrival, the track has been completed. 460ft in total. We will now work our way back to the other end of the track making any alignment tweaks and putting any extra sleepers or packing to level the track.
0900 am. The fire needs to be lit at least 1 hour before opening. Here the battery powered blower is on top of the chimney. This will create and artificial draught through the fire pulling the heat through the boiler allowing steam to be made.
0905 am. The fire is started using wood before switching to coal. Whilst steam is being made we set up the station area, gazebo, signage etc.
0945 am. Steam is now providing the draught and we have switched from wood to coal. The fire is bright and hot. Ready for the final checks before running any trains. We have also fetched water, cleaned and oiled the engine and checked all couplings and wheelsets
And people say all I do is play trains!
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