Translation: "Before I climbed over the Great Firewall
I had a deep desire for freedom and democracy
I thought the people under the guiding light of western values were warm and just

After I climbed over the Firewall, I learned the world outside the wall is full of malice.
They think of you as brainwashed, as slaves
They discrimate against your race
They discriminate against your nationality
They discrimate against your system
They discriminate against your beliefs

I thought freedom and democracy could bring hope for the people, (2/3)
I had no idea the western world hadn't changed a bit from the eras of colonialism." - @LeeLee787878 (3/3)
This one is for all the people who think that if the GFW went down, Chinese people would instantly realize how oppressed they are and rebel against their government. And as someone who lives in the US, my experience is different, but the disappointment is relatable.
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