I used to be a contractor. I did telecom for a while before 9/11. I did work on military and level3 telecom. I did Comcast and I did att sites doing DC power systems for backups and most equipment that runs on DC. Whoever blew up that RV knew what they were doing. 🤔But...
..These places are built like bunkers. That was a huge bomb. But only shut down a partial network. An important network including an airport and disrupted 911 operations. Either they used it as a decoy and cover for something or they hate ATT 🤷🏻‍♂️
Not everyone knows about these places. Most are underground. Some in repurposed buildings. Like the old bank on 2nd ave in downtown Seattle. It’s a level3 telecom site. I installed the tiny gps antenna on the tiny building on a tiny pole on a tiny ladder 🪜 on the roof 😳
Interesting fact as of 2003 anyway.
There is two main sights on west coast and one in Arizona that would shut down the internet if compromised and there locations are as secret as Area 51 and also military.😉
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