Initial take on the security/justice parts of deal, based on summaries. May be useful when studying the full text. Overall, better than I had feared. Will reduce gap in capability from 1 Jan if applied immediately. BUT cooperation will be still be slower/more clunky than now. 1/7
Data sharing. Looks like a good outcome: UK can continue to exchange fingerprint and DNA data through Prum (though not in real-time, so it will be slower) and vehicle reg. data in future. Exchange of Passenger Name Records continues, on precedent set by EU/US and AUS deals. 2/7
In similar way, UK won’t have real-time access to the ECRIS criminal records database, but will have a ‘streamlined and time-limited process’ for data exchange using shared technical infrastructure. Important, as speed=safety in these data-exchange areas 3/7
Less good is info exchanges between police forces. SISII was used 600m times by UK police in 2019. UK loses access to it, and has to settle for ‘information sharing in response to requests’ (ie slower). Police told Lords Cttee they w’d fall back on a less-used Interpol system 4/7
Cooperation with EUROPOL and EUROJUST moves to a liaison-officer arrangement as US and others have. UK keeps access to their secure messaging system but won’t be able to initiate joint investigations. A more arms-length role in these two bodies where UK has been a leader 5/7
In place of the Euro Arrest Warrant UK gets a Surrender Ag’t akin to Norway/Iceland model. Close to replicating what UK has now, except that EU states have the right not to extradite their nationals - altho’ they w’d then be obliged to try such cases domestically (new point?) 6/7
So, if these words are implemented fast, this sh’d limit capability gaps. BUT it all depends on Commission making a positive data adequacy ruling within 4 month window. AND all this cooperation can be suspended if UK fails to respect fundamental rights as set out in the ECHR. 7/7
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