okay imo the easiest comparison to zionism word-wise in terms of how the practical meaning is different from the dictionary definition would be “radfem” or radical feminism
if u go off of the dictionary definition, being anti-radfem would mean that you’re against dismantling the patriarchy in order to get rid of patriarchy’s harmful effects on everyone (mainly women though)
however, the radfem movement has become known for being a trans and sex-worker exclusionary (the rf in terf and swerf literally stands for radical feminist), so being anti-radfem means supporting those marginalized groups
there are lots of people who would agree with original radfem ideas!! but labeling yourself as one tells others that you now espouse and associate with the group that uses the in-practice definition, which is bad
and while there’s some smaller groups trying to fix the label’s perception and talk about the original meaning, most ppl who share the original ideas have accepted that at this point the label is almost impossible to reclaim
granted i haven’t gone into the super specifics of the term zionism but the situation is at least partially similar imo. anyways if u don’t support palestine u can soft or hard block me
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