The Hero(ine) of It’s A Wonderful Life: A Thread (1/?)
I just finished my yearly watching of It’s A Wonderful Life, which, in addition to being (easily) the best Christmas movie of all time, is also in my top 5 of all movies.

Hot take (or, absolutely obvious observation):

While George Bailey, the self-sacrificing Everyman that we root for and admire, is the main character, the *hero* of the film is actually a *heroine*: his wife Mary.

It is Mary who gives George the courage to give up his dreams (doing big exciting things all over the world) and instead accept his calling (a grueling, grinding life of service to his community).

It is Mary who gives George the idea of how to save the Building & Loan during the Depression (foregoing a honeymoon to meet the financial needs of a frantic mob).

It is Mary who mobilizes the massive prayer effort that drives the plot of the movie, bringing Clarence Odbody onto the scene and helping George to see how meaningful his life has been.

It is Mary who raises the necessary funds to solve the financial crisis that had driven George to the brink of suicide.

In the end, George had a Wonderful Life and was a blessing to so many people, but it was the quiet support of Mary in the background that empowered him to be so.

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