the dates of the year except i’ve assigned them all a sexuality based off what they sound like in my head and my pure gut instinct. a thread.
DISCLAIMER: u guys asked for this. it took forever. i listened to daddy issues the whole time i made this. if there’s no flag then i am so sorry but my brain said straight
also if ur birthday isn’t ur sexuality it’s okay!! i am just assigning the dates based off what they sound like in my head. my own birthday isn’t even my sexuality. anyway it i get attacked for this i’m taking it down.
end of thread can u guys please like my pinned this took forever and i did it solely for u. if u don’t agree i don’t care. also i thought of giving dates sexualities when i was drunk and u blew that tweet up. are u gays ok. ok that’s it
tf y’all talking about synesthesia i don’t even know what that is or how to spell it i had to copy paste it. i’m just gay and mentally ill i doubt it’s anything more than that but thank u
also if ur new here and want a new mutual... hello???? i’ll follow back! i would like some more diverse fandoms to interact with so i don’t mind what fandom ur in. uhhhh okay that’s about it. wait until u find out i have visions on their pronouns too. u guys aren’t ready 4 that
just to clarify. nowhere in this thread did i say these corresponded to ur birthdays. i’m literally giving days of the year sexualities. fr that’s all LMFOAODSA
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