Thread: hear me out

Ok we have Lin wood tweeting out about Mike pence being deep state.

Mike Pence also got a letter at the funeral ..

Do you really think Trump would keep him around if he was deep state?

If he is deep state is he there for a reason?
Optics are very important... everytime the right goes after someone the left loves them, everytime the left goes after someone the right loves them. Do you see a pattern. Swaying public opinion? Controlling the narrative?

You have Sidney Powell on a rampage Tweeting out about her becoming Special counsel to investigate election fraud , being appointed by Trump. But... you also have Trump Tweeting the question “why, we already know enough” ... why would the two contradict each other?..
Why would the White House block her? Is this a show? Remember optics are very important.

If I was a betting man I would be willing to bet we (Americans/both sides) are being kept busy with current events to keep our eyes off of something else...
For example why did we have an explosion in Nashville on Christmas Day that took out communications? Why are we looking at it now? Why are things coming to the surface to keep us busy?
Something is happening and I’m just not sure what. What I do know is what is happening isn’t what we are being shown. Both sides are being kept busy for a reason.
Save this thread for future reference it will come in handy ..
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