1. I think its important today to decolonize Christ
He was Palestinian
He fought for social justice
He believed you should follow your conscience, even if the government would kill you for it
He beat up tax collectors
He stood with sex workers
He healed people for no money
2. Dude came out against clout chasing way back then.
He didn't want people grifting.
He didn't want people killing.
He put his body on the line to protect women who fucked outside of marriage.
He probably looked, and thought, more like Muhammad than Chris Hemsworth.
3. And, like we do with so many amazing leaders of color, white people built a grift off of his genius and kindness. Then white people used it ruin everything.
Fuck the church.
Fuck modern Christianity.
But decolonize that man's legacy. He deserved better than The Moral Majority
4. My point here being, white-Capitalist-supply-side Jesus is some of the most intense white washing in history.
And I hate it
And I dont want any mini Pat Robertsons in my comments. Im not debating it. These are all just pulled straight from things the man said in the four Gospels.
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