The CDC has been combining asymptomatic (people who never get sick) & presymptomatic (also called prodromal - non specific symptoms like muscle aches & fatigue) in every study they have done. I have read 80% of them. Prodromal spread is (gasp) common with respiratory viruses /1
Asymptomatic spread is not. It means your immune system is healthy, killed the invader, and our bullshit oversensitive PCR tests found dead virus in your nose. Why the CDC says don’t test recovered patients for 90 days. Bullshit dead viral RNA can be found in their nostril /2
Just like it will be in a person with a normal healthy person with a reactive immune response. Positive “tests” have zero relation to “cases”. IDGAF what CNN tells you. I will debate Jake Tapper on this with 5 mins notice. He will never debate me. /end
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