Isekai AU + Mpreg + Joongdok, There will be a hornee later.

“My children will be a disaster that gets K◼️◼️◼️◼️d in the future.” featuring KDJ as a 28 y.o office worker who got transmigrated as a mother (??) of an important side character in a famous web novel.
All KDJ wants is just to reach home, lay around, and read his favorite web novel, but apparently, God says, “Nah, we have something for ya.”

While he waits for the red light, he notices an elementary school kid who stands beside him fumbling with his bag, looking for something.
A second later the kid manages to find what he is looking for but a round bento box falls from the bag and rolls over to the street.

Maybe because of the panic the kid forgot the light is still green and started to run over to the bento.
KDJ by reflex manages to grab the kid and pull him to the sidewalk, but gravity is a binch and it makes KDJ fall forward and the next thing he knows, he gets hit by a truck-kun.

KDJ opened his eyes but closed them again due to a massive headache that felt familiar when he got a hangover. He groaned and tried to bury himself on the soft bed.

Soft bed?

KDJ opened his eyes again and met with an unfamiliar ceiling. He rose from the bed and looked around.
“...This is not my room.”

The room interior is something that you often see in a European fantasy-themed game or comic. KDJ thought, “did I get transported to another world???” because the last thing he remembers is saving a kid and then getting hit by a truck.
After calming himself, KDJ looked at the mirror and he felt a bit of disappointment that nothing about his physical appearance changed unlike how most isekai MCs got new beautiful bodies. KDJ is just 100% authentic KDJ.
While KDJ was still checking himself, he suddenly heard a knock on the door.

“Dokja-ssi” a soft feminine voice called out from outside of his house.

What a coincidence, apparently the man he is now is having the same name.
KDJ is fumbling to look presentable before he opens the door. And what greets him is a young woman with light brown hair and by god, she is very beautiful. KDJ's heart skips a beat.

"Good morning…" KDJ greets her as he internally screams since he doesn't know the woman's name.
"I'm sorry for coming unannounced. There's someone who is looking for you."

"For me?"

"Yes, they…" the woman looks at him with curiosity, "children."

"Children…" Not even an hour passed and KDJ was already facing something that unusual.
"Both of them looked tired from the journey so I asked them to have a rest at my house while I called over you."

"I see, thank you for the trouble-" KDJ still screams internally, WHAT'S YOUR NAME??

"It's nothing" the woman smiled softly at him "are you available now or?"
"Now is fine, let's go."

And thus KDJ and the woman that KDJ trying to figure out the name is walking together to her house.

On the way, they meet a passing villager who greeted them. "Good morning Sangah-ssi and Dokja-ssi."

KDJ is immediately thankful for the random villager.
One thing that KDJ noticed is that his house is quite far from the village settlement. And he notices that there's no other house that was built near his own. There’s only forest and field as they walk by.

'Did the previous Dokja prefer a reclusive life?'
Upon entering the village, KDJ is in awe. The village looks like the one on those popular f◼️nal fantasy games.
People of different kinds of races greet them as they pass by. Looks like it's a small village since everyone seems to know everyone.
Finally, they arrive at YSA house, she opens the door and holds it for KDJ to enter. KDJ enters, his heart beating fast with anxiety since he doesn't know who the children are. Then he saw them.

Two children with brown hair, one is a girl and the other is a boy.
Both of them turned to look at the door, eyes wide as they saw KDJ.

A pang of heartache with a sudden flash of memories comes in flash. KDJ opens his mouth to say a name that feels familiar, even though this should be his first time meeting them.

"Gilyoung? Yoosung?"
Both kids gasp at the name, the now widened eyes turning teary as they now run toward KDJ.


A what?????

"Mother we finally get to see you."
The children are now crying while hugging KDJ, YSA is there looking like she witnessed a very scandalous event, KDJ brain just stopped working.

With too much information to process, KDJ is passed out.


A popular web novel that tells the story of Yoo Joonghyuk, a fallen noble who is out for revenge. YJH family was a powerful duke family that was wrongly accused by the members of the imperial family, the family head and his wife are executed as a result.
YJH at the young age of 15 y/o has to survive the ordeal that happens while protecting his still baby sister.

Just like a common fantasy story the world is full of magical and mystical things. In the novel, there’s a special power in the form of stigma, a blessing bestowed by
by the gods. Stigma grants special powers to those who hold them, such as high aptitude for magic, enhanced strength, and other special things. Those blessed by stigma will have a mark in their body. Stigma can appear from birth or randomly show up when under intense pressure.
How it works is still a debate, after all, one can’t casually ask gods.

YJH who went through the ordeal of betrayal, losing both of his parents, falling from grace, and almost having no one to trust beside his teacher awakened a Stigma of Conqueror,
a stigma that made him able to reign supreme above all.

The flow of the story follows how YJH built back his family status, gathered his trusted companions, and got his revenge by revealing the lies of the imperial family members and taking over the monarchy.
In the end, he became a Supreme King who rules over the land with prosperity and unrivaled power.

KDJ just happened to read the last chapter before he got hit by truck-kun.

KDJ awake, once again looking at an unfamiliar ceiling. He rose from the bed still feeling dizzy and noticed two kids sleeping on the side of the bed.

Gilyoung and Yoosung.

There’s a particular moment in the stories that often gets discussed by fans.
YJH who is looking for his missing sister stumbles upon a village that was under attack. Beasts and insects of all kinds swarm the village, killing the villagers and causing destruction all over the place.
YJH and his companion managed to drive back the monster and find the source of it. A twin child, LGY and SYS who lose control of their newly acquired stigma after a rejection from the one who gave birth to them.
YJH managed to calm both of the children and after that, he took them under his wing. The twin stays together as YJH companions until tragedy befell them.

While YJH and co. facing the imperial family, a shocking truth has been revealed.
The parents of LGY and SYS are entwined with the incident that happened with YJH’s family. Cue flashback chapters.

The twin’s father, Bihyung was a son of a high-ranking concubine and the late duke aka YJH’s father is his former mentor.
When he caught wind of the plan to overthrow the Duke family, he secretly gathered evidence with the duke to stop the plan but he was too late. Someone leaks Bihyung and Duke's plan to the imperial family and as a result,
the false accusation comes earlier than what they predicted. The duke and his wife get executed and Bihyun is killed.

Before Bihyung gets himself killed he ordered his pregnant spouse to run away with the evidence.
The imperial family is intensively searching for Bihyung’s spouse but to no avail, they did not manage to find him.

Bihyung's spouse is quite a unique individual, he is a man who is blessed with the Stigma of Birth, a stigma that allowed him to bear a child.
While running away from the imperial family he managed to stay under the radar with the help of an old couple who lives reclusively in the middle of a forest. After he gave birth,
he left the children under the care of the old couple and went to live alone near a village in some faraway place.

The reason he left the children is that he doesn’t want them to get involved with the affair. If by chance the imperial family manages to catch him,
he can at least die peacefully knowing that the children are safe.

Sadly fates have different plans.

8 years later, the twins who grew up listening to the story of their birth are curious about their parents.
“Your mother is a beautiful young man, quite unusual to say a man as a mother but he did give birth to both of you.”

Later the twin found a white letter that has a peculiar sweet smell, it was addressed to the old couple. Inside the latter is money and small notes.
“Please use this money for the kids.”

The twin who is happy with the finding starts to wait for the postman to arrive so they can ask where the letter came from. After they get the name of the village, they set off on a journey to find their parents.
Long short story the twins manage to find their mother but they get rejected.

“I don’t have children,” the tone cold as he sees the twin without an ounce of affection and he leaves both of them without glancing back
The twin doesn't give up easily. They decided to stay in the village with the help of a kind young lady and try to get close to their mother. But alas all the means to get close are failed.
The truth is, the mother who was surprised at the appearance of his children felt happy but he was scared of the imperial family finding them so he tried to make the twins leave him. He has been ignoring the kids but they are adamant about getting close to him.
In his last attempt to push back the kids. He spewed harsh and mean words hoping to crush their hope and it’s working.

“Giving birth to you is a mistake.”

“I never loved you.”

“Go away.”
The twins who are already tired mentally from trying to get close to their mother are reaching the breaking points. As they cried over their crushed hope of being loved by their mother, a stigma was awakened in both children.
The stigma of Tamer, a stigma that allows them to easily get affection from the monster. The twins' cries make the monster come from all over the place and run amok the village.

The mother who tries to stop the kids sadly, getting crushed by a dragon and dies in the process.
“Thank you, my precious grandchildren, because of you I don’t need to trouble myself with finding that wretched son in law again.” Their grandfather, the king that is the mastermind behind the false accusation, smiles happily upon meeting YJH and co.
Upon learning the truth, the twins had a mental breakdown. The mother who they thought hated them was actually trying to keep them away from harm. Guilt and despair take over and once again they lose control of their power.
Monsters come swarming the capital, hurting the citizens, and making a disaster in the capital.

YJH and co. then tried to calm the twin but they failed. As monsters run amok increasing the victim count and the imperial family are on the verge of escaping.
YJH comes to a decision, he slays the twins, putting a stop to the rampage.

That moment in the novel sparked a heated debate. KDJ himself is one of the readers who disagree with the author's decision to kill the twins.
“Can’t YJH just knock them out? He doesn't need to kill them.” is the comment he wrote in that chapter.

KDJ quite like LGY and SYS characters, they are adorable kids who just want a loving parental figure. To have them ended up dying in the MC hands is disheartening.
He wishes things wouldn't have ended up like that.

And viola~ his wish is granted yay!

KDJ is transmigrated as the mother of twins and the timing is right before meeting them. Seriously, be careful about what you wish for.

KDJ stares at the sleeping twins, they look disheveled and dirty in some parts. It’s definitely not easy for 8 years old to travel without an adult. KDJ's heart aches when he thinks of their hope and how it got crushed. His hand Instinctively reaching out to caress the kids.
He caresses SYS hair slowly and somehow it made SYS smile in her sleep. He does the same thing to LGY and the boy smiles too in his sleep.

Warmth and happiness fill KDJ's heart upon seeing their smile. Maybe, just maybe KDJ can change the fate that will befall them.
For sure KDJ doesn’t want to get crushed by a dragon but he also doesn’t want the twins to end up as an unnecessary tragedy.

The twins slowly awake from the sleep, both of them looking dazedly while rubbing their eyes. A second later they seem to realize that KDJ is awake.
“Mother!” both of them shouting at the same time. KDJ flinched a bit.

“We were worried.”

“Mother looks pale.”

The twins keep chattering back and forth on how they were worried and asking KDJ if he is feeling okay.
KDJ just quietly looks at the twins, trying to think of a response but somehow the twins take it as rejection.

“Um, we’re sorry for suddenly coming like this,” SYS said as she looked down fiddling with her fingers.
“We are-” LGY continues to speak but KDJ cuts him.

“My children.”

Both kids are now looking at him with hopeful expressions.

“I have been wanting to meet you for a long time.”

Tears once again are shed.
The twins jumped on him, hugging him, telling him how for a long time they have been waiting to meet their mother too. Somehow KDJ also shed tears while trying to calm the kids.
He wonders if this is the feeling of the previous Dokja, a deep longing that slowly goes away as he hugs the kids.

KDJ swore he would change his children's fate or die trying. Hopefully not the latter.

[Delete later] YJH will show up next.
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