Sure.Haven't we witnessed w/ our own eyes the whole hysterical drama in all of the last 12 mos?

1st, point finger, w/ ABUNDANT collusion from MSM, inclusive of ALL of the 3 top US papers staffed by irresponsible medical illiterates who seized the opportunity of a pandemic to --
make political theater by demonizing China, their bread and butter in earning a living (what else do they know, these ignoramuses?), who opine with 100% confidence and 0% substantive knowledge on a matter that concerns the lives of millions --
2rd, point finger at everyone else but themselves.

3rd, argue $ is more important than lives by saying Herd Immunity by natural infection is the way to handle a pandemic

4th, gag or cast mistrust on all the true experts in virology, pulmonology, epidemiology,infectious diseases
5th, debate the Constitutional Right and 1st amend "FREEDOM* NOT to mask, to be sick, to infect others, to work frontline workers to death [this debate is still ongoing 12 mos into the pandemic, by proud *Freedom Fighters*]
Result - a pot of shit bigger than anyone can imagine thrown on its ("the West") own people.

The folks who uphold this way of managing a pandemic want you to know this is the best way,the superior way to manage a pandemic --
And every country in the world should model after it *in the name of Human Rights*

The Human Right to lie, to slander, to be sick, to infect others, to be irresponsible, to be stupid --
Finally, if you are not convinced of this line of argument, they will haul out their penultimate authority, their "GOD". "God says we are right", they said.
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