Buckle up chucklefucks, we need to talk about wtf happened with @socialistdogmom and why a good chunk of Jwitter is justifiably concerned.

Trigger warnings of antisemitism and terrorism and the tree of life attack specifically apply.
So Molly, a prominent account on leftist twitter tweeted this last year as part of a thread. Notably the Tree of Life attack was the deadliest antisemitic attack in US history and quite recent so it's a hugely sensitive subject.
That tweet was in a thread where she documented threats by n@zis so when she said she thinks about whether she could've stopped this, even in context, it implies she knew but did nothing because ACAB. Jews responded by mentioning you can report threats to many community orgs.
From the beginning the emphasis was on getting and offering clarification - we want to make sure it isn't repeated. Molly responded by deleting the tweet and going private. Needless to say this inflamed the situation.
A number of Jews on twitter were asking for an explanation because obviously the implication that a major leftist influencer may have viewed Jewish lives as disposable is horrific and needs to be dismissed. https://twitter.com/chaoticgaythey/status/1342581558855798785?s=19
Now her deleting the tweet making all links to context useless and going private while refusing to address a legitimate concern made finding any context much harder.
Going digging I eventually found a threadreader screencap though where she explicitly said the threat was *not* against the Jewish community but her personally. Had this been available from the beginning the entire mess could've been avoided.
Even still a number of her followers have been harassing Jews for being justifiably concerned and asking for an explanation and levelling accusations of bad faith even after people learned the context.
If you're curious why we don't immediately trust goyim see my previous thread on the corbyn fiasco https://twitter.com/chaoticgaythey/status/1323343146898624517?s=19
Another good thread https://twitter.com/radiantbutch/status/1342627316543979522?s=19
You can follow @chaoticgaythey.
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