I've seen it!

I will be posting thoughts/spoilers/commenting.

I will tag every thought as #WW84 , please mute that tag to prevent me from showing up in your feed.

And I'm gonna wait a few hours so you all get a heads up! https://twitter.com/laurennakaowinn/status/1342502570628182017
Let's get this out of the way: I love parts of this movie but won't lie and found other parts clunky #WW84
As twitter discussed, the action doesn't hit. It's vibrant and imaginative but the the execution lacks finesse #WW84
Gal and even Chris have lapses in their acting. The scene intended to be the most emotional was so awkwardly done #WW84
But this movie is fun! Exciting! Wholesome! Dreamy! The grading was done so well, it nods very accurately to the 80s aesthetic. There's even a scene that feels very Big #WW84

I knew they would use the invisible jet but assumed it would be a stealth thing. I loved their explanation, what a way to work in the mythology #WW84
Diana's powers are so fun here, but I wish there was a little more continuity addressed with the limitations of her George of the Jungling via lasso #WW84
Speaking of powers + weapons... Diana telling Steve not to use a sword while he holds something that could double as a shield felt very... pointed #WW84
Contextless #WW84 spoilers from @Ayxshii, cosigned by @mars_apartment and I (I'm curious if you all know which scene this is)
Oh btw this movie is so gay wtf. When Diana saved Barbara in the park it was like full on meet cute CW arrowverse fanfic 😂 #WW84
Like, Barbara literally becomes a furry bc she was gay for Diana's shoes. NO OTHER REASON #WW84
Unlike the CW, this movie sells a hokey ending better than I ever could have thought. The Supergirl S1 finale (also, I think the last season's finale?) wishes it were this so hard #WW84
Don't kill me but I'm a giant Zimmer fan and I was so underwhelmed. He used the WW theme once and it didn't have the bite it had previously. The whole score was so fluffy. I wanted the drama of the WW theme uniquely meshed with synths and realized in the 80s aesthetic #WW84
Like honestly the trailer music nailed it, this is what I wanted #WW84

So, I take great delight in knowing I can recognize a certain somebody by one eye! #WW84
I have very little thoughts on the Steve possessing a man's body thing, the movie is too fresh for me to have any broad thematic critiques. I'm just glad it was his soul #WW84
Speaking of... this actor who is credited as "Handsome Man" played Darkstrike in Birds of Prey (2002) đŸ€Ł #WW84
Anywho. This movie was fun. Lot's of spirit. Today was a great day filled with texts from friends as we all enjoyed a unique benefit of being locked inside. Merry Christmas everyone đŸ–€
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